Saturday, April 25, 2009
my 'jail term' has started this week.
it's like hell -_-
i wonder how i'm going to survive for 19 weeks. OMG!
it's all about you
5:17 PM
Saturday, April 18, 2009
somehow these few days I don't ever know where I'm heading to.
school in two days!
life has just begun
7:00 PM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
i feel that a part of me is gone after it has been with me for the past 4-5 years.
how depressing can it be. :(
at least i'm still with the cow for my MP. at least i need not worry about who my partner is, however there's still the worry about who my supervisor would be though. ~.~
what a sucky week this is.
oh danny boy
10:06 PM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
this brings down to the last week of my 'well-spent' holidays. ~.~
Art camp was pretty good. Although I didn't really mingle much with other players, but I could see everyone had fun. xD
The bad thing is that there's alot of stuffs to remember/do. Claims form etcetc, stress!
Let's hope I can start biting properly real soon. Imagine taking 3mins for 1 stick of satay. Ugh.
I wonder who will be my supervisor. My senior said I was dumb to not apply for SIP outside school. Getting good grades are alot easier than in-house. How lousy can I get :(
you can pray for sunny weather
5:24 PM
Monday, April 06, 2009
my mom decided to be kind and let me eat pasta. :o
however it was in smaller pieces, but somehow I can eat them with minimal biting. YAY!
this means less porridge. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!
two weeks till school reopens. >.>
you're my everything
12:23 PM
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
i failed to trick the cow during april's fool.
how lousy can I get?
school's opening soon!
you're like a dream come true
5:42 PM