Sunday, December 26, 2010
this is another ranting session time!
if only i didn't stop the dragonboat trials during my poly life, and if i continued with gan, i could have probably passed my ippt earlier, get into command sch or might be an officer! haha.
what's more i would probably feel and look better in a way...
would an itouch be useful for camp entertainment? =/
for your entertainment
3:41 AM
Sunday, December 19, 2010
christmas wishlist! *wishes for some kind soul to donate to me or give me LOL*
a non-camera smartphone so that i can keep myself entertained in camp.
a new computer!
i need to start saving up for a new computer hopefully by march or smth. as for the new phone. don't know which would be better though :s htc or blackberry? :/
two more weeks before my course ends. enduring!
7:47 PM
Saturday, December 11, 2010
i'm feeling that i should be more outspoken in the future.
i think that i shouldn't be too quiet anymore.
i think that i should try to be myself and really myself.
i think that i should talk more.
i think that i'm going to be very lonely, or at least that lonesome feeling is coming into me again. :/
i think that i need to venture out into danger routes sometime.
i think that i need to think positively.
i think about that and i think about this. when will i actually decide upon something?
second week of course over and it was lesser mind-killing as compared to last week. but i'd guess these two weeks are just the mere beginning. the remaining weeks for the course would be weight straining i guess. i wonder if my back can handle :/
that ache came back when i was digging the soil. if i were to carry the bridges i wonder if i'll be able to handle them nicely.
i feel like having someone to talk to. but even if there is, i wouldn't know what to talk about. sometimes i feel that i know too little things, since i keep getting stuck around the old, usual things.
if i had you
2:57 PM
Sunday, December 05, 2010
first week of the course made me feel like the discipline and almost everything is different. although new things are learnt, the learning curve is so steep that it's very hard to really capture and understand everything in such a short time. every week there'll be new stuffs. how am i going to cope and understand? :/
even studies in poly wasn't that packed too. :/
12:30 AM